Polish coursers for foreigners

So, You came to Poland and would like to stay longer ? You found Your dream job or been delegated to work in Poland, and would like to communicate with Your colleagues without any trouble? Or rather You started Your family in Poland or would like Your children to speak Polish? Regardless Your motivation, learning Polish is always a great idea! It is well recognised that lack of Polish language knowledge could be problematic in our country. Both in everyday situations and in business life, basic knowledge of Polish language is very important. Start to speak Polish! Make Your life in Poland easier! If You want to learn to speak Polish or would like to polish Your language skills, You’ve come to the right place.

Is Polish difficult?

If You ever tried to learn Polish, or tried to understand what all those Poles are trying to say to You using all this strange sounds like szszczczdźrzśżńć…, the answer would be yes. That’s true, that learning Polish for foreigner could seem difficult. Nevertheles we would like to prove that with appropriate teacher, learning Polish could be much more fun and easier. At our Polish school for expats, we come to each topic very practically. We want You to start speaking Polish on Your first lesson and in short term using Polish at least on communicative level. If You have matered the basics, and would like to become fluent, read without problems, use sophisticated business language, we will help You succeed.

What can we do for You?

  • We teach to speak and read in Polish
  • We teach at all levels from absolute beginners to communicative level users
  • We have conversation meetings for those who speak Polish and would like to work on prononucation or improve the vocabulary
  • We have both individual private classes as well as for corporate customers
  • We have classes at locations which is most suitable for student (office, home etc.)
  • We provide all lesson materials
  • We have intensive courses, standard courses, irregular courses depending on Your needs
  • We offer tailor made Polish courses, adjusted to individual customer’s needs (Speciffic vocabulary, methods, course frequency)

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